Tuesday 2 January 2007

The Christmas 'break'?

Happy New Year! I hope that you had a fabulous Christmas and that 2007 brings you and yours every happiness. Now that the festivities are finished and it's time to return to work I might just get time to start blogging properly!
Not that I haven't enjoyed it all, but I'm totally shattered now (and skint) but it's all my own fault. It seemed like such a good idea at the time to book the family in for a long weekend at Disneyland Paris the week before Christmas. We had a wondeful few days surrounded by the total unreality of Disney magic - just what you need to get away from the pre-xmas stresses. Lots of good food, fun rides and snow! Our hotel was a fabulous replica of the New York skyline, and we had a room overlooking the 'times square ice rink'. The only down point was when we ended up stranded at Charles de Gaulle airport (the flight home was one of those that was cancelled because of all the propblems with Fog). And then for some reason, it seemed like another good idea to squeeze in a few days in the lakes between Christmas and New Year - more fabulous food - more inches to the waistline.
It was chaos trying to fit it all in, but I now have another batch of wonderful memories - you can't ask for a better gift than that...


chris164 said...

Glad that you had a great holiday and an exciting one.

Happy New Year!

purkul said...


couldn't have sed it better myself!

ya can always ern more money, or loose weight but when all's sed and done there's nothing better than happy memories shared with the people you love.

top stuff!


emma said...

Memories are brilliant aren't they. It's like the biggest Ipod filled with all the favourite bits of your life that you can replay in your minds eye when ever you want to. Glad you're back safe and sound and Happy New Year!