Tuesday 18 November 2008

Welcome to the world Millie Faith!

Just announcing the safe arrival of my great niece Millie Faith, daughter for proud Mum and Dad Laura and Gavin, and brother to a somewhat bemused 17 month old Ethan...

However, this latest addition brings the grand total of my great nieces and nephews to five - and it makes me feel very old! And Christmas is getting to be a very expensive affair these days... But I have to admit, a bunch of toddlers running around does alot to lift your spirits!

Welcome to the chaos that is my wonderful family little Millie - I may not be able to promise you riches untold, I'm absolutely sure that you will not go short on love...

Tuesday 1 July 2008

Sleep tight Mr Sheep xx

I have a space inside my heart
that marks the day we had to part
The day I lost my dearest friend
My loyal companion to the end

I am a mother, I am a wife,
yet something is missing from my life -
I have a job to fill my days
an ideal life in many ways...

Yet in the garden, or by my chair
I look for you - though you're not there.
There is a void I cannot fill
I think of you often, and miss you still...

Tuesday 22 April 2008

The ever expanding family...

Hosted by FunCommentSpace.com

Just thought that I would share the news that I am going to be a great aunt again! Some people are just gluttons for punishment ;0) I'm not sure what a 17 month old Ethan will make of a new brother or sister but I'm sure it will be an interesting time!

Anyway, big congrats to my niece and her husband!

Thursday 3 April 2008

Get well soon lovely Ethan...

I've just returned from a visit to the north shore - and I'd forgotten how fantastic it was to be there. It was also a pleasant suprise to find that they were hosting the 2008 Jazz and Blues festival while we were there - it was a fantastic atmosphere. But, at least I had something to look forward to on my return - my great nephew's christeneing!

He is such a little star - and even though he wasn't very impressed when the water went over his head, he was so good throughout the whole thing (which is no mean feat for a 10 month old) but he is such a pleasant little chap... He had a lovely time being the centre of attention for the day, but unfortunately it didn't end on the high note it started on. By early evening, he was very unwell, and after a very unpleasant night for him, he ended up in hospital.

The poor little man spent two days on a drip and has had to have all sorts of tests - it's been a worrying time for the family. But, he is well on the mend and was able to come home yesterday, just in time for his Mum's birthday - that has to have been the best present she's ever had!
So, all is now somewhat calmer again (well, as calm as it ever gets) and this weekend we can all relax and get over the trauma! Hopefully, I'll get chance to sort my photos and I might even make a new slide show...

Monday 18 February 2008

I found this photo that I took of my beautiful hibiscus last summer and it made me smile! Not long to go until it is time for it to bloom again.

And there are now three solar lamps lit in the garden...